CEEGS introduced at international summer school

CEEGS introduced at international summer school

This summer, CEEGS coordinator Ricardo Chacartegui presented the project during a summer school held at the University of Silesia, Poland. The Circular Economy and Energy Transition Leaders (CEET) Summer School is organised for undergraduate students who have a...
CEEGS presented at the 36th edition of ECOS

CEEGS presented at the 36th edition of ECOS

The 36th edition of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS successfully promoted scientific innovation in various energy areas. The conference focused on many aspects related to the energy...
CEEGS promoted at the Science Fair Seville 2023

CEEGS promoted at the Science Fair Seville 2023

The 21st edition of the Seville Science Fair successfully promoted scientific dissemination and innovation. The event included the participation of the CEEGS project. During this fair, students, teachers, and researchers came together to share projects, conferences,...
CEEGS presented at the Nisyros Geopark Summer School

CEEGS presented at the Nisyros Geopark Summer School

Project partner Eleni Gianni from the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) had the opportunity to introduce the CEEGS concept at the Nisyros Geopark Summer School. The second edition of this Summer School took place from 28 May to 5 June 2023 in Emborios,...